Wednesday, November 12, 2014

I have been long contemplating about something that I am sure that all of you have experienced in your travels across the country.  You are driving along and suddenly the car in front of you slows and turns.  But no signal.  You are in a parking garage following someone and whoa....they start backing into a parking space....did you see any signal....No.  You are waiting at a light and the car in front of you is waiting and waiting and then they signal again.

Are we not being taught to signal anymore in school?  Have we become that rude in our society that we no longer value the safety or concern of our fellow citizens?  Its only a small flick of the wrist that warns everyone around you......Hey...I am going to turn this 2 ton vehicle and it might affect what you are doing out there.

Now I know that everyone will occasionally not use their are on a highway and you are changing lanes and there is no one around you other than that huge truck you are problem but when you are in traffic and you want to turn into a store or parking space.....Hey man flick that wrist!  Make the effort!  We are becoming more and more lazy.....I cite the automatic lights that turn themselves off when we get out of the car.  Is it too much to flick that switch too?

Accidents would be reduced.....road rage would be lessened and I could quit bitching about it.  Thanks......just my view from high up here on the bleachers.

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